
ArtEffect Packaging"Do you know Photoshop for Mac or PC ?"

ArtEffect 3.0

The new version of ArtEffect offer a lot of new functions an most parts have been reworked. The most conspicuous features are: heavily improved layers, indexed colors, improved color ranges, new filters and many optimizations



Looking for more native versions!
We are on the way to do more locale versions of ArtEffect. If you are interested in doing the translation of the locale catalog, please contact:
Martin Steigerwald <m.steigerwald@haage-partner.com>

new26 Oct 99: ArtEffect 3.0.11 Update
A free patch for ArtEffect 3.0 is available on our ftp server. Support

19 April 99: 3 more locales for ArtEffect 3
We just uploaded the locale files for Czech, Dansk and Francais to our ArtEffect FTP area. Support

07-Mar-99: ArtEffect 3.0 available!
ArtEffect 3.0 is shipping since last week. Due to a lot of pre-orders it will take some more days to deliever all. Feature list

07-Mar-99: Color Separator for ArtEffect
AE.ColorSeparator makes it possible for the first time to prepare pictures directly for the four color printing (CMYK). Info

14-Jan-99: Native version of ArtEffect
In our continual effort to support the Amiga world-wide we have increased the number of native languages for our mainstream products ArtEffect and AmigaWriter. ArtEffect now supports 12 and AmigaWriter 8 languages. Some more are on the way and will be made available soon. Besides the localized user interface (GUI) we are also working on native manuals, installers, spell checkers etc. More

01-Dec-98: ArtEffect 2.6 in 7 languages
ArtEffect 2.6 is now available in 7 languages: English, German (thanks to Martin Steigerwald), Italian (thanks to Marco De Vitis), Francais (thanks to Lionel Thillot), Spanish (thanks to Fernando Brischetto), Portuguese (thanks to Ricardo Jorge Lopes Cabete), Swedish (only the full version; thanks to Vidamus), Norwegian (thanks to Magnus Rivertz Torgersen), Polish (thanks to Marcin Orlowski), Czech (thanks to Vit Sindlar). Danish and Dutch are on the way.

13-July-98: Free ArtEffect 2.6 Update
The new version has locale support for English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Czech. Some more will follow soon. Support

08-July-98: New ArtEffect 2.6 Demo Download

28-Feb-98: PlugIn for Digital Camera
There is a free PlugIn to load pictures from KODAC DC20 camera into ArtEffect 2.5. Download

10-Nov-97: New low-cost tablet from Wacom!
PenPartner from Wacom is a small and inexpensive new graphics tablet for the Amiga. Info

25-Sept-97: Workshop for ArtEffect
We are proud to present -world exclusive- the first interactive workshop for ArtEffect in the Internet. The author Robert Deryck did this for his pedagogy studies. Start!

09-Jul-97: New PowerEffects for ArtEffect
Nine (9) sensational new Effects are in PowerEffects 2. Besides FishEye, Patchwork, FalseColor, Pointize, HalfTone and Crystalize, the highlight are certainly: Lightning and LensFlares.
The author of this Plug-In is Simon Brett Edwards who is well-known for his graphics program Image Engineer.
Here are 19 exploding examples. ATTENTION: heavy graphics !!!

01-Jul-97: ArtEffect now officially supports PNG. Link


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ArtEffect PlugIns

PowerEffects 1
PowerEffects 2
PowerPC Effects

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92% SAM, 89% Amiga Computing, 87% Amiga Plus

Swedish Amiga-Magazine SAM gave ArtEffect 1.5 a rating of 92%

The readers of German AmigaPlus magazine voted ArtEffect 1.0 "Product of the Year 1996".

More Ratings

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